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What is your stance on abortion?


Posted 2:47 pm, 05/20/2015

You need to actually read about this lady that you are belittling.

Find out what she was going thru and also realize that she had no idea she was being used and requested her name be left off the ruling.

You really are not a very nice person and have no sympathy.


Posted 2:42 pm, 05/20/2015

This did not make it legal for abortions after 20 weeks by women just walking in a saying oh I'm stressed. What an idiotic thing to say and belittle decisions that women face.

it sure does, with a sign off from any Doctor dirty enough to do it.....the old lady who lived in a shoe, had so many kids she didn't know what to do but done it.


Posted 2:37 pm, 05/20/2015

You aren't even close to understanding Doe v Bolton.

The woman was 22 living in GA with very strict abortion laws, had 3 kids that she couldn't afford to care for, living with her sick mother, and her husband had left her. She could not afford another child and her mental health was not in a good place. also, she was only 9 weeks along.

This did not make it legal for abortions after 20 weeks by women just walking in a saying oh I'm stressed. What an idiotic thing to say and belittle decisions that women face.


Posted 2:12 pm, 05/20/2015



Posted 9:57 pm, 05/19/2015

ahhh doe vs Bolton....


Posted 9:46 pm, 05/19/2015

Abortion is legal all the way up til the time of giving birth, not because of roe vs wade but doe vs dalton that includes that for the health of the mother also means "mental Health". So if A Doctor were to ask her, you wouldn't mentally be able to take care of this child, would you? They can fill out the necessary forms....bada boom bada bing....abortion legal....and there's not a nmad judge in the states that will overrule. Interesting little loophole.


Feel Burger

Posted 9:20 pm, 05/19/2015

How about cut every mans wang off.

Then abortions are history.


Posted 8:34 pm, 05/19/2015

Magna. That's a tough one. But at the end of the day it's not the babies fault. I would suggest tougher punishment for a man that rapes a woman. Make it so he can never physically do it again. If you get my point. I think the rape issue would be done.

Feel Burger

Posted 8:22 pm, 05/19/2015

Note from GoNC: this post was removed for trolling and vulgarity.


Posted 8:20 pm, 05/19/2015

Skeptic, you're hung up on that video you posted several days ago where the doctor described the process of preforming an abortion on a 24 week pregnancy. That isn't even legal in NC. I would agree that if you wait until the baby could potentially live outside the womb, then that is wrong. You're using such an obnoxious and overly dramatic example of abortion because you know, deep down inside, that you really don't have an argument.

My body, my choice. I personally choose to prevent the pregnancy before it happens. What would you say to a 13 year old girl that was raped and got pregnant from the rape? Would you say, "tough luck kid, but you're just going to have to carry that baby anyway."


Posted 8:06 pm, 05/19/2015

I'm a man, I have no right to voice an opinion over what a woman may, or may not, choose to do with her fetus.


Posted 8:01 pm, 05/19/2015

Feel Burger was never pro-life. Would not have worked for him as he expects pleasure without responsibility.


Posted 7:59 pm, 05/19/2015

I would consider tearing an unborn child limb from limb as evil as beheading someone.

Feel Burger

Posted 7:48 pm, 05/19/2015

Feel Burger was pro-life.

After being around here a while. He is definitely pro-choice.

There's a few here that should have been taken from the herd.


Posted 6:39 pm, 05/19/2015

empowers (view profile)

TopSoil despite the fact that babies are innocent so may inherit the Kingdom would you be responsible for their pain when they are aborted? Have you ever considered what if might feel like to be aborted? Don't know about you but I could not be responsible for that. I could not crucify innocense. (Of course ISIS thinks it is okay.)

Are you really comparing people that are pro choice to ISIS? That's beyond ridiculous. ISIS also wears black, so does that mean that everyone that wears black is evil? I bet you aced the analogy portion of the SAT...not!


Posted 6:29 pm, 05/19/2015

I am so thankful I did not do it. Don't like to see it so available to my grand-children which means they are free from responsibility for what they do. Irresponsibility is not a good thing to teach to others. At this point I have no idea how many great-grandchildren I may have lost to the monster called abortion.

So glad my mom did not do it. THANK YOU MOM! Thank you too mom for your influence on me. When I was faced with the prospect of abortion I kept thinking 'mom would never do this" and so I could not. THANKS AGAIN MY SWEET MOMMA! You had more of a positive impact on my life than I realized at the time just by being your self, your true self. When you passed you didn't leave me anything or so I thought. You gave me something far more precious than money or possessions. Life didn't give you a bed of roses but you were tough and strong and rose above it all and set an example for me. Thank you momma!


Posted 6:22 pm, 05/19/2015

Do you think you mother ever wished she had an abortion?

Top Soil

Posted 3:39 pm, 05/19/2015

papa1 (view profile)

Posted 2:21 pm, 05/19/2015

Top soil, thank you, you proved my point.

How so? By showing how exactly you inject hyperbole into the thread and miss represent other peoples positions and assuming(Yes that is the exact word you used) what other people think, even after being educated otherwise.

Top Soil

Posted 3:31 pm, 05/19/2015

[email protected] (view profile)

Posted 1:17 pm, 05/19/2015

Life is at conception. I do not believe in killing people who have done no harm

75% of conceptions fail, majority of which before the woman even knows she is pregnant,

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